Sunday 29 July 2007

Bosnia-Herzegovina : 600 years of Islam

Bosnian Muslims celebrated yesterday 600 years of Islam with a concert of spiritual music, a prayer for peace, and a gentle reminder to Europe: not all of the continent's Muslims are of immigrant origin.

The festivities titled 'Moj Ummete' - derived from the Arabic word 'Umma' (community)

In Sarajevo there is a tradition of coexistence with Christians and Jews.

Reis-ul-Ulema Mustafa Ceric known to be a mediator between Islam and Christianity said :

"If an Egyptian has the right to be a patriot for his country in the name of Islam, then we European Muslims can also be European patriots in the name of Islam. That does not mean forgetting the Orient – that is where the sun rises. All great religions look to the Orient; as always, it is a point of "orientation". Jews, Christians and Muslims all have their roots there. But we live in Europe. As a European Muslim, I want to make my contribution to European civilization and be automatically recognized as such."


Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikom.

Lots of nice wishes from Bosnia.
The concert was great! Wish there were more opportunities to celebrate something good as this.

Lots of saalams for everyone...

Lamija A.

Mohamed said...

Walaikom Assalaam Lamija

AlhamduliLah, happy to hear that

Allahumma inni as'aluka hubbak wa hubba man yuhibbak wa hubba `amalan yuqarribuna ila hubbak

Oh Allah I ask You for Your love, and the love of the one who loves You, and the love of an action that brings me closer to Your Love.
