Wednesday 13 June 2007

Italy : From Pisa

Impariamo a conoscere il mondo musulmano
Let's start learning about the Muslim world ...

'He who has not seen the Duomo of Pisa has not seen one of the finest things in the world," wrote the medieval chronicler Bernardo Marangone.

The Duomo Pisa (Cathedral Pisa) is the largest Romanesque church in Tuscany. This buildings have great unity in spite of using various architectual elements such as mozaic of Byzantine, pointed Islamic arch, small arcade of Lombardy and colonnade of Old Roma.

When student and even after I aspired, yearned, and dreamed to go to the west universities to learn, work( not sure! ) and live ( not sure! ) …

But wasn’t the opposite in the past!?

Wasn’t Arabic the International Language of learning and diplomacy!?

Was there a unique way to write the Roman numbers!?

There is a Roman tombstone in York, England, of Lucius Duccius Rufinius, who was the standard bearer of the VIIII legion ( 9th), and was XXIIX years old (28).

VIIII witch is [5+1+1+1+1] instead of IX witch is [ 10-1]and XXIIX [ 10+10+(10-1-1)] instead of XXVIII witch is [10+10+5+1+1+1]

Today, on some clock face, the hours are marked as I to XII. However, If you look at four, it is IIII instead of IV witch is ( 5-1).

Remember this type of clock was invented centuries later.

With Roman numbers, they have to be good at adding and subtracting!

Also, You can't tell from the length of the number, how big it is!
MMVII is 2007 and MDCCCLXXXVIII is 1888.

Europe used to send their people to study to the Islamic countries such as Andalusia (Spain), Baghdad, Algeria … etc.

Leonardo of Pisa known as Fibonacci [pronounced fib-on-arch-ee] short for filius Bonacci was one; He grew up with a North African education and later travelled extensively around the Mediterranean coast there he realised the many advantages of the "Hindu-Arabic" system over all the others.- the positional system WE USE TODAY - based on ten digits with its decimal point and a symbol for zero: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

His father , Guglielmo Bonacci, was a kind of customs officer in the North African town of Bugia (Bougie , Algeria ), now called Bejaia where candles were exported to France. They are still called "bougies" in French

Don't confuse Leonardo da Vinci! was born about 200 years after the death of Leonardo of Pisa.

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